When I was starting my career, my boss had a simple mantra: "We can do it." As an eager young professional, I wanted to jump at every opportunity. I said yes to every new project, aiming to prove my hunger and potential. My plate overflowed with commitments.
Then, a powerful moment of clarity struck during a lunch with a visiting VP. When asked for career advice, her response was an "aha moment" for me. She told us: "Stop saying yes to everything."
Wait, what? I was a young professional who just said yes to everything to show I was a hard worker and team player. But that VP's advice made me see things differently. If you try to make everything a top priority, then really nothing is actually your top priority."
That day was life-changing. Learning to say no allowed me to be more strategic about which projects to pursue, dramatically increasing my impact. I focused my efforts where they mattered most.
Now, I frequently share this advise: say no judiciously. It's not easy, especially in cultures where saying no risks being viewed as uncooperative or even jeopardizing your career. The truth is the opposite - saying no is professional. It shows clarity about your capabilities and confidence in doing exemplary work on chosen commitments.
Protect space on your calendar to respond agilely to real issues and opportunities. As Stephen Covey said, "When you have too many top priorities, you effectively have no top priorities." Master the power of no to reclaim your focus and make your highest impact.