Many articles are starting to appear, presenting predictions and trending initiatives that you should follow if you want to stay ahead. These articles seem like recipes, outlining actions you must take to avoid falling behind, and the recommendation is to start right away. Competition is intense, and information is everywhere, detailing the most advantageous practices that leading companies are putting in place.
A not-so-minor question arises: ahead of what? Following what's trendy and copying other companies' journeys can propel you further, but in the wrong direction.
If you do what everyone else does, you’ll get the same results that everyone else gets. Best practices aren’t always the best. By definition, they’re average.
— Shane Parrish.
Let's go back to basics. What problem do you want to solve?
You have plenty of resources and information. However, instead of looking at what other companies are doing, you should turn to your customers, employees, and team. What problem do you need to solve, and how do you want to solve it?
Every organization and employee is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all. There's no recipe. Take the time to talk with the people you are working with and determine what may be the best for your organization.