Forget about the things that you are trying to accomplish (noun) and focus on the real work that you need to be doing (verb).
“Forget about being a Writer,” says novelist Ann Packer. “Follow the impulse to write.”
Austin Kleon wrote, "So many people think you have to first call yourself an artist, know who you are and what you’re about, and then you can start making art. No, no, no. You do the stuff first, then you can worry about what it is, who you are. The important thing is the practice. The doing. The verb."
Whatever you want to accomplish, you need to put the work first; you need to practice, focus on the actions, and be the verb. The noun will follow.
Focus on the verb will provide you with a clear action path of what you have to do; if you want to be a writer, write; if you want to be a great leader, be one.
We are the verb. Our actions define us.