Time cannot and will not be managed, and you will never get more of it. The problem is rooted in the choices you are making with others and your own choices. You choose how to use it every moment of every day, whether you believe you do or not.
— Jamie Cornell
Every day we have to examine our priorities, agendas, and choices. When we say yes to one thing, we implicitly say no to others. We can control choices, not time. Even if we are unaware, we define how we spend our day. That requires us to prioritize and say no to many things.
The quality of our life is related to the quality of our decisions. The best choices compound. Sometimes we don't get what we want because we lack focus, not motivation. Change your focus to change your outcomes.
One of the most important habits to learn is to make a specific time in the day to reflect. Without reflection, many things cannot be learned. If we don't learn, we are prone to make the same mistakes again.