Since 2016 I started this journey to put more intentionality into the things that are really important for me. I started to create new habits and be more clear about how I am spending my time. My family, intentional learning, how I can add more value to my work. This is a journey in progress, and I continue learning by standing on the shoulders of giants. Trying to look and learn from what the best referents are doing to achieve what they want and how they are doing it. A huge part of this journey has been using a daily planner and journaling.
When I started, I had two kids, and it was very challenging to handle all that I wanted to do. Currently, I have three kids, and I have to admit that without those learnings, without that clarity, I wouldn't have been able to grow and make progress in the most important things in my life.
In the beginning, it was frustrating to see that even when I considered myself a very organized person, the days were passing by with many things overlapping, many urgent issues consuming my time, jumping from one topic to another. For me, starting this journey was a before and after, representing a huge change in my life.
In this journey, I learned how to create intentional time and work on the most essential things in my life. Now I intentionally decide what the things that I want to focus on are. This learning process shows me how to have more clarity, define what I want to focus my time on, and what things I choose to say no to.
Based on what I learned, I decided to create an annual journal-planner for this year, the "Five-Minute Habit Journal for Happiness & Success." It contains the most valuable practices and effective processes that I found. In a simple way, this journal-planner intends to help strengthen your independent will and invites you to commit to reflecting on the past and planning for the future.
You should aim to compound your habits. If you are interested in learning more, visit this link.